Women rainmakers under attack for their ambition: combating Tall Poppy Syndrome

 In Magazines

Published on March 29, 2024 – Wisconsin Law Journal

As March concludes Women’s History month, two Wisconsin attorneys joined a national panel during an American Bar Association (ABA) March 20 webinar addressing Tall Poppy Syndrome.

The program, “Cutting Tall Poppy Syndrome Down to Size: Creating Work Cultures that Embrace Ambitious Women,” featured a nationwide panel of attorneys.

Milwaukee-based Emily Logan Stedman, who recently made partner at Husch Blackwell, was on the panel, along with Madison-based Attorney Michele Powers, who works as a leadership coach.

Other panelists were Paulette Brown with and Kate Harmon.

Brown was the first woman of color to serve as a president of the American Bar Association. Harmon is the current president of the Delaware State Bar and serves as a litigation team partner with Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP.

All of the panelists are a part of an ABA subgroup, “Women rainmakers law practice division.”

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